This timeline was produced by the Abingdon and District Archaeological and Historical Society to commemorate the town at the Millennium in the year 2000. It shows how the history of Abingdon town is linked to the history of England at the time. It can be viewed upstairs in the East Checker in the Abbey Buildings.
You can find out much more about the history of Abingdon on the Town Council website.
Hover over the Timeline to magnify it, or expand on your device, and read the detail

Millennium Timeline created by: the Abingdon Area Archaeological & Historical Society with the support of Millennium Festival Awards for All, the Joint Environment Trust for Abingdon and Abingdon Town Council. Designer: Linda Francis Artwork: Muriel Halliday
Acknowledgements: we are grateful to the following for their help or permission to use material – Abingdon Museum, British Rail, Anthony Burrett, Christ’s Hospital, the Friends of Abingdon, Dixon Halliday, Manderley Map Co. Ltd, Morland plc, Old Gaol Leisure Centre, Oxford Archaeological Unit, RAF Abingdon, Vale of White Horse District Council, Visitors of the Ashmoleon Museum Oxford