Now that it really does look as though live theatre will be back this year, we’ve also had some very exciting news.
Studio Theatre Club have learned that 2021 marks 50 years since Terry Pratchett was first published in the UK. He became a published author on 16 November 1971. The timing coincides with their autumn performances at the Unicorn Theatre – most fortuitous!
In 1991, the Studio Theatre Club became the first people, ever, to dramatize and stage Terry Pratchett’s work, at the Unicorn. Now they have obtained special permission to put together an affectionate mash-up incorporating bits of Guards! Guards! and Feet of Clay, woven respectfully into the core plot of Men at Arms.
So, on 17 to 20 November, to mark 50 years of Terry as a published author, the STC is planning to stage – at the Unicorn – a new celebration of his enduring characters, the Ankh-Morpork City Watch: MURDER IN ANKH-MORPORK.

The Box Office will open on Tuesday 14 September at 9am. Their last Discworld show, Hogfather, sold out within 36 hours of the box office opening, so we have high hopes for this return to live theatre!
It should be an event which will bring people to Abingdon from all over the UK, and beyond. STC and the Unicorn will do everything we can to do Terry justice.
The production will be sponsored by the Estate of Sir Terry Pratchett.